Meet the HVTN

The HVTN is a network of scientists, doctors, researchers and community members committed to
ending HIV.

The Red Ribbon Registry is a project of the HVTN.

The HVTN is the largest publicly funded multidisciplinary collaboration, facilitating the development of vaccines to prevent HIV.

We conduct all phases of clinical trials, bringing together experts to evaluate experimental vaccines for safety and immunogenicity to test vaccine efficacy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, you can send us an email to [email protected] or filling out this form.

We will gladly assist you!

Find out more about volunteering for a study

Find out how to become a volunteer for preventive HIV vaccine studies, and how your participation can help find safe and effective vaccines to end HIV.

Learn more about the science behind HIV research

When science and people come together, we can achieve amazing things.

See the road of the HIV milestones

Over 40-years of work-research have advanced scientific understanding of this challenging virus.

Find out if there's a study clinic near you

Our studies are conduced at over 40 research sites across the US.